
[안내] Invitation to a national workshop on "Building Forward Better in Indonesia", 7 March 2022   2022-02-25

The Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas) in collaboration with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the United Nations Resident Coordinator’s Office (RCO) in Indonesia would like to cordially invite you to participate in the national workshop on “Building forward better: Securing inclusive, resilient and green development in Indonesia”, to be held virtually on Monday, 7th March 2022 during 15.00-17.00 hours, Jakarta time.

This national workshop aims to discuss ideas on public policy options that help make Indonesia more socially inclusive, resilient to future shocks and ecologically sustainable. The discussion will focus on key policy areas such as Indonesia’s medium-term development opportunities and challenges, recent policy initiatives to promote green development, and the socio-economic and environmental implications of greener development.

The target participants are government officials and representatives of national think-tanks, academic institutions, non-governmental organizations and international development partners. The workshop will be conducted in English with simultaneous interpretation via Zoom.

Kindly note that all participants are required to register online by Wednesday, 2nd March 2022 at https://forms.office.com/r/d1FQdpSYWp. The workshop website https://unescap.org/events/2022/national-workshop-indonesia-building-forward-better provides details on the concept note, programme and other workshop materials.

We look forward to your active participation at the event. For any enquiries about this workshop, please contact Mr. Vatcharin Sirimaneetham, ESCAP (sirimaneetham@un.org); Ms. Diandra Pratami, RCO (diandra.pratami@un.org); or Ms. Rufita Sri Hasanah, Bappenas (rufita.hasanah@bappenas.go.id).

Yours sincerely,

The Ministry of National Development Planning

The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

The United Nations Resident Coordinator’s Office in Indonesia