BK21FOUR Notice

[4단계 BK21] 거시 세미나 (6/22)   2022-06-15

[2022년 6월 22일]

* 발표자:   PhD  Ga Young Ko , University of Tennessee

* 날짜: 2022.6.22(수) 10:30 AM ~ 12:00 PM

* 장소:  고려대 정경관 412호

* 주제: "   Gender Discrimination in the Gig Economy: Evidence from Online Auctions for Freelancing   "


I would like to remind you of the Seminar on Macroeconomic Theory  as follows:

[June 22, 2022]

* Speaker:  PhD  Ga Young Ko , University of Tennessee

* Time:  10:30 AM ~ 12:00 PM  , Wednesday, June 22, 2022

* Title:  " Gender Discrimination in the Gig Economy: Evidence from Online Auctions for Freelancing"