
[PKSG] PhD lecture series in advanced macroeconomics in Post-Keynesian, institutionalist, and Marxian political economy   2015-01-15

영국의 University of Greenwich와 Kingston University에서 박사학위과정 학생을 대상으로 다음과 같이 강의시리즈를 진행합니다.


관심있는 학생들은 참조하기 바랍니다.



University of Greenwich and Kingston University are jointly organizing a series of lectures in advanced macroeconomics based on a political economy approach combining institutionalist, Keynesian and Marxist traditions. The lecture series builds on the research expertise of staff in political economy at both universities, and is designed originally for our PhD students; however we welcome PhD students from other universities or Masters students, who wish to explore more advanced topics. The lectures assume knowledge of core concepts in macroeconomics at the Masters level. Each day has two lectures. A brief description of each lecture and an indicative reading list can be found in the link to each lecture below. The location of the lectures alternate between the two universities.




Ozlem Onaran


Professor of Workforce and Economic Development Policy

University of Greenwich



Old Royal Naval College

Park Row

Room: QA212


London SE10 9LS