Notice for postgraduate students

[4단계 BK21/응용미시경제세미나] Melanie Meng Xue, LSE (11/25)   2021-11-22

다음과 같이 4단계 BK21 응용미시경제세미나를 안내해 드립니다.

  • 발표자: Melanie Meng Xue, London School of Economics and Political Science

  • 주제: "The Short- and Long-Run Effects of Affirmative Action: Evidence from Imperial China"

  • 날짜: 2021.11.25.(목) 17:00 PM ~ 18:30 PM

  • 장소: (응용미시경제세미나 ZOOM실시간 강의실)
    Meeting ID: 850 6188 9998 Password: 2b}B1i%E1r

I would like to inform you about upcoming BK21 FOUR applied microeconomics seminar as follows: