4단계BK21 공지사항

[BK21+/거시세미나] 곽노선 교수(서강대)   2014-11-20

다음과 같이 BK21+/거시세미나를 안내해드립니다.

* 발표자: 곽노선 교수, 서강대

* 날짜: 2014. 11. 26 (수) 5:00pm - 6:30pm

* 장소: 교양관 104호

* 주제: Cyclical Behavior of Income Distribution: Why Are Top Income Earners Not Affected by the Business Cycles?

I would like to remind you BK21+/Macro seminar as follows:

* Speaker : Prof. Noh-sun Kwark, Sogang University

* Time: 5:00 - 6:30 PM, Wednesday, November 26, 2014

* Venue: Woodang hall 104

* Title: Cyclical Behavior of Income Distribution: Why Are Top Income Earners Not Affected by the Business Cycles?