4단계BK21 공지사항

[4단계 BK21]The 1st Winter Workshop in Recent Advances in Macroeconomics   2022-01-20

거시경제와 관련한 다양한 주제에 대해 1월 20일-21일 양일에 걸쳐 아래와 같이 워크샵이 온라인으로 진행됩니다.

많은 참여 부탁드립니다.

The 1st Winter Workshop in Recent Advances in Macroeconomics


1월 20일 목요일

8:30-9:30 (S1) Huixin Bi (Kansas Fed)  Public Pension Reforms and Retirement Decision: Narrative Evidence and Aggregate Implications

9:40-10:40 (S2) Konstantin Kucheryavyy (U Tokyo)  Welfare Gains from International Risk Sharing and (Non-)Specialization

10:50-11:20 (J1) Sunho Lee (Korea U)  Term Premiums and Regime-Switching Prices of Macro Risks

(J2) Xiaohan Wang (SUFE)  Renegotiation After Sovereign Default: Bygones No Longer

12:00-13:00 (S3) Hiro Ishise (Osaka U)  Nominal Exchange Rate Variability, Industry-level Nominal Wage Rigidity, and the Pattern of Trade


1월 21일 금요일

8:30-9:30  (S4) Pierre De Leo (U Maryland)  Imperfect Exchange Rate Expectations

9:40-10:40 (S5) Zhensheng Qiu (CUHK)  Naïve Consumers in Business Cycles

10:50-11:20 (J3) Shuang Feng (SUFE) Sovereign Debt: A Quantitative Comparative Investigation of the Partial Default Mechanism

(J4) Yeil Lee (SNU)  Changing Effects of Monetary Policy in Korea and ASEAN countries

12:00-13:00 (S6) Akira Sasahara (Keio U)  Trade costs of sovereign debt restructurings: Does a market friendly approach improve the outcome?


13:00-14:00 Discussion

How to get connected?
For S1–S10; J1 and J3,
use the following zoom link (with passcode: 081239):

For J2 and J4,
use the following zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81852915714?pwd=TFBWNyt1SGRxTGxkbkhqMUpzRlBDZz09

For Gather.Town,
use the following link: https://gather.town/app/ajGSTbcpHyGrRrKj/onlineworkshopspace