Lectures and Seminars

[BK21+/미시세미나] Prof. Vincenzina Caputo, 고려대학교   2015-10-27

세미나 후 저녁식사를 할 예정입니다. 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.

* 발표자 : Prof. Vincenzina Caputo (고려대학교 식품자원경제학과)
* 주제 : Dealing with attribute non-attendance behavior in food choice experiments: making sense of serial, choice-task and inferred methods
* 날짜 : 2015.10.29 (목) 5:00 pm ~ 6:30 pm
* 장소 : 교양관 104호
* 주최 : 고려대 경제학과, 경제연구소, BK21+ 한국경제사업단

* Speaker : Prof. Vincenzina Caputo. Department of Food and Resource Economics, Korea University
* Time : 5:00-6:30 PM, Thursday, October 29, 2015
* Venue : Woodang Hall #104
* Title : Dealing with attribute non-attendance behavior in food choice experiments: making sense of serial, choice-task and inferred methods
세미나 후 저녁식사를 할 예정입니다. 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.

* 발표자 : Prof. Vincenzina Caputo (고려대학교 식품자원경제학과)
* 주제 : Dealing with attribute non-attendance behavior in food choice experiments: making sense of serial, choice-task and inferred methods
* 날짜 : 2015.10.29 (목) 5:00 pm ~ 6:30 pm
* 장소 : 교양관 104호
* 주최 : 고려대 경제학과, 경제연구소, BK21+ 한국경제사업단

* Speaker : Prof. Vincenzina Caputo. Department of Food and Resource Economics, Korea University
* Time : 5:00-6:30 PM, Thursday, October 29, 2015
* Venue : Woodang Hall #104
* Title : Dealing with attribute non-attendance behavior in food choice experiments: making sense of serial, choice-task and inferred methods