Lectures and Seminars

[BK21+] PhD Lecture Series in Advanced Macroeconomics: Post-Keynesian, Institutionalist, and Marxian Political Economy   2015-01-27

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PhD Lecture Series in Advanced Macroeconomics: "Post-Keynesian, Institutionalist, and Marxian Political Economy"

University of Greenwich and Kingston University are jointly organizing a series of lectures in advanced macroeconomics based on a political economy approach combining institutionalist, Keynesian and Marxist traditions. The lecture series builds on the research expertise of staff in political economy at both universities, and is designed originally for our PhD students; however we welcome PhD students from other universities or Masters students, who wish to explore more advanced topics.

The lectures assume knowledge of core concepts in macroeconomics at the Masters level. Each day has two lectures. A brief description of each lecture and an indicative reading list can be found in the link to each lecture below. The location of the lectures alternate between the two universities.

25 March 10:00-14:00, Queen Anne Building Room 63, University of Greenwich
Prof Ozlem Onaran, University of Greenwich, Post-Keynesian /Kaleckian demand-led growth models: the effect of distribution on growth
Prof Mehmet Ugur, University of Greenwich, Institutionalist/Schumpeterian growth theories

22 Apr 10:00-14:00, Room JG1006, Kingston University
Prof Engelbert Stockhammer, Kingston University, Labour markets and unemployment in Post Keynesian macroeconomics
Dr Devrim Yilmaz, Kingston University, Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models: a critical introduction

29 Apr 10:00-14:00 Queen Anne Building Room 20, University of Greenwich
Dr Tomas Rotta, University of Greenwich, Marxist Theory Today
Dr Jeff Powell, University of Greenwich, Marxist theory of financialization

27 May 10:00-14:00 Queen Anne Building Room 75, University of Greenwich
Dr Maria Nikolaidi, University of Greenwich, Post-Keynesian stock-flow consistent modelling: theory and methodology
Dr Yannis Dafermos, University of West of England, Building a stock-flow consistent model in practice (lab session at ITLab-QA274)

10 June 10:00-14:00, Room JG1006, Kingston University
Prof Steve Keen, Kingston University, Modelling Financial Instability
Dr Iren Levina, Kingston University, Financialisation of Households

17 Jun 10:00-14:00 Queen Anne Building Room 139, University of Greenwich
Dr Cem Oyvat, University of Greenwich, Inequality and Growth in the developing world
Dr Ewa Karwowski, Kingston University, Finance, financialisation and development

More information about the PhD lecture series is available here.