BK21FOUR Notice

[BK21+/아세아문제연구소] Asian Economic Outlook and Policy Challenges   2015-12-08

아세아문제연구소는 BK21+ 한국경제사업단과 공동으로
'Asian Economic Outlook and Policy Challenges' 라는 주제로 다음과 같이 포럼을 개최하오니
많은 참여 부탁드립니다.

주제: Asian Economic Outlook and Policy Challenges
일시: 2015년 12월 14일 (월) 9:30~18:00
장소: 아세아문제연구소 3층 대회의실
주최: 고려대 아세아문제연구소 HK사업단, BK21+ 한국경제사업단
주관: 고려대 아세아문제연구소
후원: 한국연구재단
언론 후원: 매일경제 신문
언어: 영어

The goal of this conference is to bring together renowned Asian economists to present their academic and policy-oriented research related to the prospects and challenges for the Asian economies. The conference explores new ideas and policy options for the sustained development of Asian economies under the changing post-crisis environments.

The forum consists of an opening roundtable and two sessions. In the roundtable, four keynote speakers will discuss on the topic of “The Outlook of the Asian Economies.” The sessions will focus on short-term and long-term policy isuues. There will be three speakers and three designated discussants in each session.

Date: December 14th (9:30 am-6:00 pm)
Venue: Asiatic Research Institute, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
Host: Asiatic Research Institute (ARI), Korea University; Brain Korea 21 Plus Economics Research Group

Sponsors: Korea Research Foundation
Media Sponsor: MK Business News (TBA)
Participants: about 50 scholars and students. All sessions are open to the public and media.
Language: English
아세아문제연구소는 BK21+ 한국경제사업단과 공동으로
'Asian Economic Outlook and Policy Challenges' 라는 주제로 다음과 같이 포럼을 개최하오니
많은 참여 부탁드립니다.

주제: Asian Economic Outlook and Policy Challenges
일시: 2015년 12월 14일 (월) 9:30~18:00
장소: 아세아문제연구소 3층 대회의실
주최: 고려대 아세아문제연구소 HK사업단, BK21+ 한국경제사업단
주관: 고려대 아세아문제연구소
후원: 한국연구재단
언론 후원: 매일경제 신문
언어: 영어

The goal of this conference is to bring together renowned Asian economists to present their academic and policy-oriented research related to the prospects and challenges for the Asian economies. The conference explores new ideas and policy options for the sustained development of Asian economies under the changing post-crisis environments.

The forum consists of an opening roundtable and two sessions. In the roundtable, four keynote speakers will discuss on the topic of “The Outlook of the Asian Economies.” The sessions will focus on short-term and long-term policy isuues. There will be three speakers and three designated discussants in each session.

Date: December 14th (9:30 am-6:00 pm)
Venue: Asiatic Research Institute, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
Host: Asiatic Research Institute (ARI), Korea University; Brain Korea 21 Plus Economics Research Group

Sponsors: Korea Research Foundation
Media Sponsor: MK Business News (TBA)
Participants: about 50 scholars and students. All sessions are open to the public and media.
Language: English

Attachments: Timetable.jpg