[BK21+/계량연구회 세미나] 곽도원 교수, University of Queensland (5/22)[BK21+/계량연구회 세미나] 곽도원 교수, University of Queensland (5/22)

아래와 같이 BK21+/계량연구회 공동 세미나 계획을 알려 드립니다. We are going to have an econometric seminar as follows. -Speaker : University of Queensland, 곽도원 교수 (Prof. Do Won Kwak, http://www.uq.edu.au/economics/academic-staff) -Title : “Estimation of Trade Cost Elasticity in Unbalanced Micro Data with Multi-way Error Components Models” -Time : 5월 22일 (May 22) 5:00-6:30 pm -Place…