[BK21+/계량연구회 세미나] Kamhon Kan, the Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica (8/27)[BK21+/계량연구회 세미나] Kamhon Kan, the Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica (8/27)

아래와 같이 BK21+/계량연구회 공동 세미나 계획을 알려 드립니다. We are going to have an econometric seminar as follows. Speaker : Kamhon Kan (the director of Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica) Title : “The impact of Education on Health” Time : 8월 27일 (Aug 22) 5:00-6:30 pm Place : 고려대학교 정경관 508호 (Political Science and Economics…