[BK21+/계량세미나] Mathias Sinning, ANU Crawford School of Public Policy(12/10)[BK21+/계량세미나] Mathias Sinning, ANU Crawford School of Public Policy(12/10)

다음과 같이 계량세미나를 안내해드립니다. * 발표자: Mathias Sinning, ANU Crawford School of Public Policy, RWI, IZA * 날짜: 2018.12.10(월) 5:00~6:30 PM * 장소: 정경관 508호 * 주제: Estimating Quantiles of the Distribution of Treatment Effects without Rank Preservation * Speaker: Mathias Sinning, ANU Crawford School of Public Policy, RWI, IZA * Time: 5:00 – 6:30…