[4단계 BK21/화폐금융이론의 특수논제에 관한 세미나] Prof. Kenji Wada, Keio University (3/24)

다음과 같이 화폐금융이론의 특수논제에 관한 세미나를 안내해드립니다. * 발표자:  Professor Kenji Wada, Keio University * 날짜: 2021.3.24(수) 05:00 PM ~ 06:30 PM * 장소: https://korea-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/87045057368?pwd=d3UvOGkxb3NYV1V1YTAyVGE3akl4Zz09 (화폐금융이론 ZOOM실시간 강의실) *비밀번호: 참여를 원하시는 분은 담당조교에게( hjkim98@korea.ac.kr ) 강의실 비밀번호를 요청해 주시길 바랍니다. * 주제: “Household Risk and UK Financial Markets” I would like to remind you of the seminar on special topics of monetary economics as follows: * Speaker: Professor Kenji Wada, Keio University * Time: 05:00 PM – 06:30 PM, Wednesday, March…

[채용] TikTok User Operation 인턴 채용 (~채용 시 마감)

틱톡에서 인턴을 모집하고 있습니다.   회사명 : TikTok 틱톡 직무: User Operation Intern 채용 [업무내용]   Responsibilities Import qualified creators to the platform Project planning & execution support Content data analysis and strategy support [지원자격]  Qualifications College graduates, expert in Korean, fluent in either English or Chinese Have deep understanding in short-form video trend and/or creator community such as…