2018년 2학기 분배와 복지 센터의 Distinguished Scholar Lecture/Seminar로 University of Washington에 재직 중이신 Yanqin Fan교수님을 모시고 다음과 같이 강연 및 세미나를 진행하고자 합니다. 대학원생들과 교수님들의 많은 참여를 부탁드립니다.

* Yanqin Fan 교수님 홈페이지: https://econ.washington.edu/people/yanqin-fan

Dear students and colleagues,
We invited a renowned econometrician Professor Yanqin Fan at U of Washington for our 2018 Fall semister’s Distinguished Scholar Lectures/Seminar program of our BK21+. Professor Fan will give two lectures and one seminar, which are rather a series, as follows.

Lecture 1: Jan. 22(Tue) 15:00-16:30 at PSEB #509A, “Interval Data, Inequality Constraints, and Uniform Inference”
Lecture 2: Jan. 23(Wed) 15:00-16:30 at PSEB #509A, “Uniform Inference for Subvector Hypotheses”
Seminar : Jan. 24(Tur) 17:00-18:30 at PSEB #509A, “Uniform Inference for Non-subvector Hypotheses”

Slides will be added later.2018년 2학기 분배와 복지 센터의 Distinguished Scholar Lecture/Seminar로 University of Washington에 재직 중이신 Yanqin Fan교수님을 모시고 다음과 같이 강연 및 세미나를 진행하고자 합니다. 대학원생들과 교수님들의 많은 참여를 부탁드립니다.

* Yanqin Fan 교수님 홈페이지: https://econ.washington.edu/people/yanqin-fan

Dear students and colleagues,
We invited a renowned econometrician Professor Yanqin Fan at U of Washington for our 2018 Fall semister’s Distinguished Scholar Lectures/Seminar program of our BK21+. Professor Fan will give two lectures and one seminar, which are rather a series, as follows.

Lecture 1: Jan. 22(Tue) 15:00-16:30 at PSEB #509A, “Interval Data, Inequality Constraints, and Uniform Inference”
Lecture 2: Jan. 23(Wed) 15:00-16:30 at PSEB #509A, “Uniform Inference for Subvector Hypotheses”
Seminar : Jan. 24(Tur) 17:00-18:30 at PSEB #509A, “Uniform Inference for Non-subvector Hypotheses”

Slides will be added later.