다음과 같이 BK21/계량 세미나를 공지합니다.

발표자: 송수용 교수 (University of Iowa)

* 주제: Estimating Quantile Production Functions: A Control Function Approach(with Justin Doty), 논문 첨부

날짜: 2021.11.08(월) 12:00~13:10

장소: Zoom 회의 참가 https://korea-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/87633686414?pwd=YlVReTlFMzE1M0RERE9rZ1NtcFUwUT09

회의 ID: 876 3368 6414 암호: 1T@+n?8tkd

I would like to inform you Econometrics seminar (a joint seminar held by Korea economic team for BK21 FOUR) as follows:

* Speaker: Prof. Suyong Song (University of Iowa)

* Title: Estimating Quantile Production Functions: A Control Function Approach(with Justin Doty), see the attached paper

* Time: 12:00 – 13:10, Nov. 8(Mon), 2021

* Venue: Held via Zoom appointment on https://korea-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/87633686414?pwd=YlVReTlFMzE1M0RERE9rZ1NtcFUwUT09

Appointment ID:  876 3368 6414   password: 1T@+n?8tkd