
[공지/NOTICE] 2021년 후기 수학자격시험 결과 안내 / 2021 FALL MATH PRELIMINARY EXAM RESULTS

수학자격 시험 합격자 명단 ( Math Preliminary exam Pass List) : 신X건(20210213X8), 유X현(20210213X2), 김X수(20210213X3) 미통과 혹은 미응시하신 경우 지도교수지정과목에 경제수학(ECON173)을 포함하시기 바랍니다. Students who failed the exam or didn’t take the exam should take ECON173 course as an Advisor Designated Courses

[안내] Invitation to Online Graduate School Fair with APSIA

Dear Colleague, The Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA) will host an Online Graduate School Fair on September 23 where participants can explore Masters, mid-careers, and PhD programs in International Affairs and Public Policy at over 20 graduate schools worldwide. Additionally, APSIA will host Virtual Open Houses, throughout September, October, and November. Participants…

[4단계 BK21/ 거시세미나] 장진욱 박사, Federal Reserve Board (9/8)

다음과 같이 거시경제이론세미나를 안내해드립니다. * 발표자:  장진욱 박사, Federal Reserve Board * 날짜: 2021.09.08(수) 5:00 PM ~ 6:30 PM *장소:https://korea-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/85229930029?pwd=b2Z0cDloNjNFVTRGV1cxS0xHc1Zjdz09 *비밀번호: 참여를 원하실 분이 담당조교에(baoro3@korea.ac.kr) 강의실 비밀번호를 요청해 주시길 바랍니다. * 주제: “Collateralized Debt Networks with Lender Default” I would like to remind you Macro seminar as follows: * Speaker: Phd Jin-wook Chang, Federal Reserve Board * Time: 5:00 PM ~6:30 PM, Wednesday, September 8,…