[채용] 주한덴마크대사관 – Trade Council Student Assistant 채용

회사명 : 주한덴마크대사관 직무: Trade Council Student Assistant 채용 Trade Council- Student Assistant Please send CV and letter of motivation in English by e-mail to the Embassy:  tcdkseoul@gmail.com and indicate “STUDENT ASSISTANT: Trade Council” in the mail title. Job Description The new student assistant in the Trade Council will join the Embassy’s team of dedicated Commercial Officers and work closely…

[채용] [안진회계법인] 세무자문본부 Global Employer Services 인턴

공고명: 세무자문본부 Global Employer Services 인턴 [담당업무] – 국내 및 해외파견 임직원의 한국 종합소득세 신고 관련 지원 업무 1) 급여자료, 개인소득자료, 소득공제 자료 등 취합 및 정리, 시스템 입력 등 2) 종합소득세 신고서 및 납부서 작성 및 국세청 홈택스 전자신고 [응시자격] – 4년제 학사 학위 이상 보유자 (* 재학생일 경우 2022년 2월 졸업예정자에 한하여 지원 가능)…

[채용] 틱톡 – Global BD PMO Intern 채용

회사명 : 틱톡 직무: Global BD PMO Intern 채용 [담당업무] Responsibilities 1. Work with the team by supporting project management across music, content, gaming, etc and related paperwork 2. Maintain efficient communication with cross-functional and cross-regional teams, including but not limited to arranging meetings, information gathering and translation and etc. 3. Support team general business, including research &…