[4단계 BK21 / 응용미시경제세미나] Christopher Paik, NYUAD (Sep 30)

다음과 같이 4단계 BK21 응용미시경제세미나를 안내해 드립니다. 발표자: Christopher Paik, New York University Abu Dhabi 주제: “Can a sense of shared war experience increase refugee acceptance?” 날짜: 2021.9.30.(목) 17:00 PM ~ 18:30 PM 장소: https://korea-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/85061889998?pwd=ekEvSEJvY0dTTmlQbktHMmJCY3hBZz09 (응용미시경제세미나 ZOOM실시간 강의실) I would like to inform you about upcoming BK21 FOUR applied microeconomics seminar as follows: Speaker: Christopher Paik, New York…