[BK21+] Graz Schumpeter Summer School (12-18 July, Austria)

Graz Schumpeter Centre에서 다음 및 첨부 메일과 같이 Summer School을 진행합니다. Summer School에 참여를 원하는 학생은 박만섭 교수와 상담하기 바랍니다.     제목: Call for Applications – 5th Graz Schumpeter Summer School Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, We are happy to announce our 5th Graz Schumpeter Summer School under the topic „Economic Stagnation: Problems of Theory…

[BK21+] Call for Papers: The 7th Annual PhD Student Conference (28 May 2015, London)

아래 내용을 참조하기 바랍니다. 컨퍼런스에 논문발표자로 선정된 참여대학원생은 BK21 사업단에서 재정적 지원을 받을 수 있습니다. Call for papers Post Keynesian Economics Study Group (PKSG) is organizing its 7th Annual PhD Student Conference on 28 May 2015, 9am-7pm. The presenters will be PhD students, who are currently enrolled in a PhD programme, and are working on…

[BK21+] PhD Lecture Series in Advanced Macroeconomics: Post-Keynesian, Institutionalist, and Marxian Political Economy

아래 공지하는 바와 같이 영국에서 학생들을 위한 강연이 있습니다. 참여하지는 못하더라도 링크되어 있는 논문들은 다운로드할 수 있으므로 참고하기 바랍니다.   PhD Lecture Series in Advanced Macroeconomics: “Post-Keynesian, Institutionalist, and Marxian Political Economy” University of Greenwich and Kingston University are jointly organizing a series of lectures in advanced macroeconomics based on a political economy approach combining…