학과 관련 사항 – [BK21+ | 학과] 둘 중 하나는 반드시 체크 (중복 가능)

[4단계 BK 21/거시세미나] 조윤주 교수, Texas A&M 대학교 (6/2)

다음과 같이 거시경제이론세미나를 안내해드립니다. * 발표자: 조윤주 교수, Texas A&M 대학교 * 날짜: 2021.06.2(수) 5:00 PM ~ 6:30 PM * 장소: https://korea-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/84623413589?pwd=UWppYWVtMUl6M2tFZTdkbFY2VDZRZz09 *비밀번호: 참여를 원하실 분이 담당조교에(qkrcnsdud92@korea.ac.kr) 강의실 비밀번호를 요청해 주시길 바랍니다. * 주제: “State dependent government spending multipliers: Downward nominal wage rigidity and sources of business cycle fluctuations”   I would like to remind you Macro seminar as follows: * Speaker:  Prof. Yoon J Jo,…

[채용] 뉴욕상하이컨설팅그룹 주식회사 채용 (~채용 시)

회사명 : 뉴욕상하이컨설팅그룹 주식회사 직무: Human Resources Talent Aquisition 채용   [업무내용] Responsibilities – Coordinate with hiring managers to identify staffing needs – Determine selection criteria – Source potential candidates through online channels (e.g. social platforms and professional networks) – Plan interview and selection procedures, including screening calls, assessments and in-person interviews – Assess candidate information, including resumes and…