[4단계 BK21/계량세미나] 김재호 박사, KDI(11/12)

다음과 같이 김재호 교수님의 4단계 BK21 계량세미나를 안내해 드립니다.   * 발표자: 김재호 박사 (KDI,  https://sites.google.com/site/jaehoecon/home  ) * 주제: Empirical Asset Pricing with Bayesian Regression Trees(Drew Creal and Jaeho Kim) * 날짜: 2021.11.12(금) 5:00~6:30 PM * 장소: Zoom 회의 참가 https://korea-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/84959123000?pwd=aTh4VkRoK1ZSbHA0b1VLVHIwZldYUT09 회의 ID: 849 5912 3000 암호: f6Fp3%+nxQ   I would like to inform you Econometrics seminar (a joint seminar held by Korea economic…

[4단계 BK21/미시세미나] Pr. Takashi Kunimoto, SMU (10/07)

다음과 같이 4단계 BK21 미시세미나를 안내해 드립니다. 발표자: Pr. Takashi Kunimoto, Singapore Management University 주제: “Efficient Bilateral Trade with Interdependent Values: The Use of Two-Stage Mechanisms” 날짜: 2021.10.07(목) 05:00 PM ~ 06:30 PM 장소: 
https://korea-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/82709084817?pwd=T2QvNGlJV2N6dmY2T1plN0VFdnVZdz09 (미시경제이론세미나 ZOOM실시간 강의실) *비밀번호:참여를 원하시는 분은 담당조교에게(josephlee777@korea.ac.kr) 강의실 비밀번호를 요청해 주시기 바랍니다. I would like to inform you about upcoming BK21 FOUR microeconomics seminar as follows: Speaker: Pr. Takashi Kunimoto, Singapore Management University  Title: “Efficient Bilateral Trade with Interdependent Values:…

[4단계 BK21 / 응용미시경제세미나] Tuan Hwee Sng, Singapore National University (10/7)

다음과 같이 4단계 BK21 응용미시경제세미나를 안내해 드립니다. 발표자: Tuan Hwee Sng, Singapore National University 주제: “A Theory of Aristocracy” 날짜: 2021.10.7.(목) 17:00 PM ~ 18:30 PM 장소: https://korea-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/85061889998?pwd=ekEvSEJvY0dTTmlQbktHMmJCY3hBZz09 (응용미시경제세미나 ZOOM실시간 강의실) I would like to inform you about upcoming BK21 FOUR applied microeconomics seminar as follows: Speaker: Tuan Hwee Sng, Singapore National University Title: “A Theory of Aristocracy” Time: 17:00…